The top seven things you should know to make sure that you pay as little as possible and you don't get scammed.
Number one: know the four C's. What are the four C's and why should you give a damn? Well, it's the basics of how a diamond is appraised and so it determines the value of a diamond. Once you understand the basics, it's a lot easier for you to shop around and find the perfect diamond ring for you.
Tip number two: the first C; what we call the carat. The carat is basically the weight of the diamond instead of measuring the weight of the diamond in milligrams or in fractions of pounds, they use a unit of measure called carat.
Now, there's two things you've got to know about this. First, the carat for a diamond, or for gold, is not the same thing. So for example, for gold karat is written with a "K" and the value of the karat isn't the same as for the diamond. And the second this is make sure you don't fall for the carat total weight scam. This is basically where they say this amazing ring is three carats, and you go oh, this is a huge diamond but it's actually a scam because the three carats is the weight of the whole ring including the setting and the band - not only the diamond.
Tip number three is the color. The color basically refers to the fact that the more yellowish the diamond is, the less value it is. The whiter it is, the more value it has. So one thing, one scam once again that you want to avoid, is the color scam. This is where they will take a low quality diamond and they will artificially color it pink, blue, black because they know people love colored diamonds. But, the problem with that is that they're going to sell it to you as though it was a naturally colored diamond, so you're going to pay too much for something that is a low quality diamond. And the second thing is that after a while the color of the diamond goes away because it's artificial.
The fourth tip is the clarity. The clarity means that the less imperfections a diamond has, the more value it has. So you might want to pay for diamond that has a little bit of imperfections and make sure that the imperfections cannot be seen with the naked eye. That way you pay less for the diamond, but it doesn't really change anything.
he next tip is the cut. The cut basically is how the diamond is cut. And the thing you want to know about that is that the better a diamond is cut the more sparkle it will have.
The sixth tip I want to give you is the shape.
It's the shape of the diamond when you look at it from above. Now, there is a type of shape that we call round. Now the round shaped diamonds are the most popular because these are the ones with the most sparkle. There's the heart shaped diamond - this is the most popular with lovers. Then there's the pear shaped diamond; it either looks like a pear or like a tear. This is mostly popular for earrings, less for diamond rings. The oval diamonds; these are good for people who have short fingers because when you have an oval shaped diamond ring it makes your fingers look longer.
Now the seventh tip I want to give you is really the ultimate tip, and that is to buy online. I know it might sound counterintuitive to buy your diamond ring online, but when you buy online you have more choices, you pay less money and you won't be harassed by pushy sales people. Just make sure that the online store you're going to choose has a good return policy, meaning that if you get the diamond ring and you don't like it then you can ship it back for free.
So I hope this helps, if you have any questions just ask me.