Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

A Calling to Lightworkers to Anchor Inner Peace, Diamond Consciousness and Unspeakable Joyinto our World

A Calling to

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A Calling to Lightworkers to Anchor Inner Peace, Diamond Consciousness and Unspeakable Joyinto our World

Awakening your Divine Potential while Raising Diamond Consciousness on the Planet

Imagine tens of thousands of Lightworkers, Spiritual Healers and Conscious Beings across the globe coming together, in our Hearts and in our Higher Diamond Consciousness, to receive a Divine Diamond Energy Activation through the medium of cyberspace, which activates and aligns All with the Divine Power or Diamond Self Within. Imagine the impact it could have with so many of us living in Spiritual Consciousness, or what I call Diamond Consciousness, (conscious partnering with the Divine), that we raise the collective vibration of the Planet, and together, create enough energetic power to bring in the Divine Intervention we need to co-create a Diamond World ... a world where Spiritual Freedom and the Magic of the Sacred is infused in every aspect of our lives through Diamond Energy Activation.

Diamond Alignment is a Sacred Technology that makes Calling the Divine Power into the human experience possible, as never before, on a global scale. It's a Diamond Energy Transmission delivered via the Internet, in a form that millions across the world can access 24 hours a day with no background or training required. The Diamond Alignment Experience is a convenient and profound, Divinely-inspired, multi-sensory online Diamond Energy Activation that clears your mind, relaxes your body and aligns you ... with the unspeakable Joy, deep Inner Peace and Highest Diamond Potential of your Diamond Self Within, in just 6 minutes ... an unprecedented service for our demanding and accelerated times.

A Celebration to Awaken and Anchor Diamond Consciousness in our World

Beginning December 21, 2009, we CALL you to join us in globally anchoring Diamond Light and Alignment, or Diamond Consciousness into our world by accepting our heart-felt invitation to a 22-day virtual global Celebration of Diamond Alignment World Activation ... a time of Inner Awakening and Healing through Diamond Energy Activation. During the Celebration, unlimited access to the transcendent 6-minute online multi-sensory Diamond Alignment Experience is being offered for FREE to All, 24 hours a day, from December 21, 2009 through January 11, 2010.

Our Mission for Diamond Alignment World Activation is: To accelerate a global shift in Collective Consciousness through the global delivery of a Diamond Energy Activation, a Sacred Technology called Diamond Alignment, which vibrationally aligns individuals, communities and institutions with the Divine Power Within and the flow of Diamond Energy, activating the Highest Diamond Potential of living in the Power of Diamond Joy, Equanimity, Freedom, Spiritual Fulfillment, and Wealth of Being (the integration of Spiritual wealth and material wealth).

The 2012 Prophecy and Diamond Consciousness

We have a profound opportunity here to make a quantum leap in healing consciousness by the auspicious 2012 prophecy date, December 21, 2012, predicted by the Mayans, as a cross-roads moment in the history of our Planet. We are on a Divine journey together ... a great initiation process and Spiritual cleansing that has already begun to create this critical mass shift in global consciousness. Over the next three years, through Diamond Alignment, we can continue to build a momentum of Diamond Consciousness and unspeakable Joy, that activates the Diamond Blueprint of our worlds Highest Diamond Potential and uplifts the human experience globally.

Raising Diamond Consciousness on the Planet

"Diamondizing" our Planet means raising the vibration and Spiritual Consciousness of our world by living in Diamond Consciousness, conscious partnership with the Divine Power or Diamond Self Within ... co-creating Heaven on Earth .... where individuals live in right relationship with their Higher Selves, with each other and with the Earth and we even engage in Sacred Business (Spirit-based business fueled by Diamond Energy).

Participating in the celebration of Diamond Alignment World Activation aligns us individually and collectively with the brilliant, indestructible Diamond Self Within and ignites the Power of our Joy, Inner Peace and Divine Purpose. As this Diamond Energy Activation spreads across the globe, the Diamond Vision for Humanity comes closer into view:

To see a world that is living in Diamond Consciousness, consciously connected and realigned with the Diamond Self Within and the Diamond Light of Source Energythrough Diamond Energy Activation ... where all beings are living in their Highest Diamond Potential and Divine Purpose ... where pain, sorrow and suffering are transmuted into unspeakable Joy, Equanimity and Freedom.

If you resonate with our Mission and Vision, please join us in activating the Diamond Alignment of our World! www.DiamondAlignment.com

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